About Me
I am Xinyuan Lu (陆欣圆), a 4th year Ph.D. student in WING at National University of Singapore. I’m also affiliated with the Integrative Sciences and Engineering Program (ISEP) at NUS Graduate School. I’m fortunate to be advised by Prof. Min-Yen Kan.
My primary research interest lies in Natural Language Processing, with a specific focus on Scientific Fact-Checking and Table Reasoning. A challenging aspect of this field is the verification of real-world research claims found in scientific papers, particularly when they involve tables of experimental results. This verification process often entails multi-step table reasoning and requires providing comprehensive explanations.
I’ve also been interested in the psychological aspects of Recommendation Systems, especially analyzing the effects of personality in the current recommendation systems.
My email is luxinyuan [at] u.nus.edu
[2024.8.15] I’m attending ACL’24 in Bangkok, Thailand!
[2024.01.10] I’m honored to present our QACheck demo on behalf of the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community (CTIC) to Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Council!
[2024.01.10] I’m honored to receive the Research Achievement Award of the School of Computing!
[2023.12.06] I’m attending EMNLP’23 in Singapore! Welcome to Singapore!
[2023.10.08] Our SCITAB paper is accepted at EMNLP’23 main conference as a long paper!
[2023.10.01] One paper on QACheck: a multi-hop fact-checking system is accepted at EMNLP’23 System Demonstration Track!
[2023.07.09] I’m attending ACL’23 in Toronto, Canada!
[2023.05.02] One paper on fact-checking complex claims is accepted at ACL’23!
[2023.03.03] I’m attending WSDM’23 in Singapore!
[2023.01.31] One paper on personality-based RecSys is accepted at IRS@WSDM workshop!